
The Role of the Modern Seller - Part 1


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There’s no two ways about it: digital interactions power the sales cycle. And yet, despite digital’s abundance of advantages, it’s not without its flaws. To start with, many sellers find less opportunities to build and strengthen relationships with their buyers. To further complicate matters, buyers are self-educating via digital platforms, forming their own values of your products and services before you’ve had a single opportunity to connect with them. What then is the role of sellers in this modern buying process? Do we exist simply to share information and coordinate buying activities? There’s got to be more to it than that.

In part one of this two-part webinar series, Becc Holland, CEO & Founder of Flip the Script, and Tyler Lessard, Vice President of Marketing and Chief Video Strategist at Vidyard, join Salesloft’s Morgan Rochofski to discuss how sellers can defeat the digital divide, create value for their buyers, and earn trust and credibility throughout the sales cycle.