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Call your number — and deliver on it — with sales forecasting software.

Our sales forecasting tool combines AI with real-time human insight to predict future sales outcomes with unprecedented precision. It’s time to exceed your targets and propel your business forward.

Screenshot of Salesloft forecasting

Unmatched precision for your sales predictions

Leading by example

Wowza Logo

Forecast reduces a lot of manual tasks, which I love. It gets us out of spreadsheets to improve our efficiency and provide our leadership team with accurate real-time data. It’s a pretty big deal!

Steve Houghland
VP of Sales

Generate more revenue, faster

  • Prospect 322% more pipeline (yes, really!)*
    Get more replies with multi-channel messaging, proven templates, and take action from anywhere with the industry’s only mobile app.

  • Drive more opportunities
    Onboard reps more quickly with structured workflows, use the comprehensive data to identify and replicate behaviors of top sellers, and automatically sync all activities to your CRM.

  • Advance and win more deals, 75% faster
    Focus on the most engaged prospects with AI-driven deal engagement scoring. Identify deal gaps and forecast effectively with all deal data in one platform.

  • Win 28% more deals with call recording and conversation intelligence
    Sales call tracking, transcription, analysis, and coaching in one platform and connected to all of your workflows.

*Real success metrics reported from Salesloft customers within the first year of implementation.
