
Gatekeepers: A Holiday Special with Ryan Scalera


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How do you get past a gatekeeper? Isn’t that what we all want to know?

Well great news for you then! In this episode of No Nonsense Sales, Tom Boston sits down with Ryan Scalera, head of business development at Flosum, to talk about everyone’s favorite: gatekeepers – you know, those people who keep sellers from reaching the right person – and how to work with them. Plus, Tom and Ryan chat about the holiday season and wrap up the year with a rousing tribute to "Jingle Bell Rock."

Listen above to the entire podcast episode or on Apple Podcasts here.

In this episode, get Ryan's take on:

  1. How to present expectations and intentions to the gatekeeper to level with them and move onto the next phase in the sales process
  2. Tips for bringing value to gatekeepers in order to gain entry to different contacts within a company
  3. What to do when facing gatekeeper objections
  4. How to beat the gatekeepers at their own game