
“Jibber Jabber” with Ravi Rajani


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People don't like being sold to… but they love a good story. 📖 

Ravi Rajani of Ravi Rajani Consulting sits down with Tom Boston to discuss “jibber jabber” in buyer conversations, how it impacts the sales journey, and ways to avoid it.

But is it really that easy?

Learn more about Ravi’s approach to sales storytelling in the latest episode of No Nonsense Sales.

Listen above to the entire podcast episode or on Apple Podcasts here.

In this episode, get Ravi's take on:

  1. Tips for taking the customer on a journey from "pain" to "glory"
  2. Why jibber jabber negatively impacts sales conversations
  3. How to reframe the conversation away from "jibber jabber" to get the customer's attention