
“Disco” with Will Aitken


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If you’re in sales you’ve probably been to a few “Discos” in your time! 🕺

This week on No Nonsense Sales: Will Aitken, the Head of Sales Content at Sales Feed and co-founder of Social Social, puts on his dancing shoes to give his thoughts on what makes a great discovery call.

He gives Tom Boston a chance to put his acting skills to the test in a live sales roleplay. What makes a great discovery call? What questions should sellers ask to get the most from a discovery? Learn all of this and more in this latest episode.

Listen above to the entire podcast episode or on Apple Podcasts here.

In this episode, get Will's take on:

  1. How to manage "no-shows" on discovery calls
  2. What questions reps should ask for a successful discovery call
  3. What to look for when conducting a discovery call with a prospect
  4. Tips for ways to frame the conversation during a discovery call to uncover problems and goals from a prospect