Customer Story

Digital Reach Increases Average Monthly Sales by 23%


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Digital Reach had tried most dialers on the market without success. With a sales team spread across the country, the company struggled to get reps on the same page. With Salesloft, the sales team now benefits from greater organization, insight, and clarity in its sales process. In the first 6 months of implementation, Digital Reach increased its monthly average sales by 23%.

Who Is Digital Reach?

Digital Reach is a full service digital marketing agency with market expertise in SEM, SEO, analytics, web development, marketing automation, and more. Noticing that most competitors charged huge set-up fees and did little work to keep costs down,  the founders started Digital Reach in 2011 with the goal of providing a better customer experience at an affordable price.

As Ben Childs, President of Digital Reach, put it, “We figured that if we did that, the money would take care of itself. That’s our ethos still to this day.”

Challenge: Creating Efficiency and Uniting a Nationwide Sales Team

While Digital Reach was founded in San Francisco (in an apartment, like most burgeoning tech companies), the company’s sales team is located across the country. With such a distributed sales force, Digital Reach struggled to create efficiency and accountability for its sales team’s performance, regardless of the tools it experimented with. Remote teams struggled to stay on the same page, let alone share knowledge and collaborate.

"Before Salesloft, we had tried most dialers on the market without success." — Andrew Seidman, Co-Founder and Head of Operations at Digital Reach

Solution: A Single Platform for Dialing, Email, and Collaboration

After implementing Salesloft for 6 months, the sales team at Digital Reach is already seeing greater organization and clarity in their sales process. Salesloft has provided better insight into key sales metrics (calls, emails, successes, etc.), making it easier for managers to assess performance and hold sales reps accountable, even from across the country.

According to Andrew, “Being able to connect calls-per-hour with successes meant that we could better evaluate success remotely, and most importantly, keeping an organized workflow meant that our people could stay focused all day.”

Salesloft has also helped Digital Reach sales reps better organize their daily workflow, aligning distributed team members and consolidating a disparate set of tools into one solution

Where sales reps once had to bounce around  to perform daily functions, they can now access all capabilities in one platform, which helps them stay focused all day. Instead of having a dialer for calls, Gmail for emails, Salesforce for reminders and tasks, and hand-made cadences to connect the dots, Salesloft allows Digital Reach to perform all sales activity in one place.

Results: Increased Sales, Revenue, and Insight

Since implementing Salesloft, Digital Reach has seen its monthly average sales increase 23% when compared to the previous 6-month period. This is a dramatic increase in sales effectiveness right out of the gate.

Salesloft has also helped Digital Reach gather meaningful data to track calls-per-deal, emails-per-deal, and compare across the sales team.

"This has led to greater transparency and competition, and increasing call, email, and closed-won metrics across the board." — Andrew Seidman, Co-Founder and Head of Operations at Digital Reach

Want to Learn More?

Do you have a remote sales force and need to create efficiency and accountability for reps performance, coach remotely, share knowledge and collaborate better?

Learn more about how Sales Engagement can help. Check out the ebook, The Sales Tech Stack: Your Guide to Sales Engagement.