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Salesloft Mobile App for Android


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Hello, Android users!

Meet Salesloft Mobile 2.0

Our proclaimed “road warriors” love our mobile app. It lets them work on-the-go without needing to stop and pull out their laptop. Plus, with the ability to react to customers in real time, they can take action in the moment when it matters most.  Our customers tell us that the value of our mobile app is unparalleled.

Forrester acknowledges it too; in their 2022 Sales Engagement Wave, Forrester recognized our mobile application as a true differentiator in our space. But one piece was still missing: mobile functionality for our Android users. 

Not anymore. In exciting news, Salesloft Mobile is now available for Android users on the Google Play Store — and we’re proud to say that it's the first Android application for sales engagement. Now, all Salesloft customers – whether they are on iOS, Android, or both - can take advantage of the power of Salesloft from anywhere.  

Seal deals anywhere 

Salesloft Mobile for Android works how you work. Whether you’re someone who works away from the office or someone who’s always on the move, our mobile functionality gives you the flexibility to work from wherever you happen to be. You have the option to: 

  • Run Cadences and day-to-day operations 
  • Add prospects to Cadences 
  • Deliver high-quality personalized emails 
  • Execute calls, emails, and SMS texts on the go 
  • View live feed & get notifications for new events
salesloft on android graphic

And the best part? There’s no need to learn a new system. Our Mobile app looks similarly to the Salesloft web interface, so you can dive into selling without wasting time and effort trying to navigate a new setup. 

Increase close rates 

With Salesloft access directly on your phone, you can take action while you’re still in front of your customer. There’s no need to struggle with arranging a follow-up meeting or delaying until you’re back at your desk to access crucial information. 

Using the momentum of the conversation, you can propel your sale forward a lot faster. Real-time responsiveness lets you address your customers’ needs as they happen and solidifies your commitment to them. 

Improve customer relationships 

More frequent conversations with customers lets you nurture relationships more quickly and more effectively. When they have questions or problems, being able to promptly reply straight from the mobile app improves trust and elevates the entire customer experience. 

It positions you as a partner rather than just a vendor, and sets you apart as a seller. 

Turn every seller into a superstar 

Our mobile app smooths the workday for sellers and improves their productivity. Say goodbye to hours spent logging calls and activities at the end of the day. Regardless of the action they’re taking, the power to work on-the-go saves sellers time they would’ve spent logging their activity or digging through information— granting them more time to focus on actual selling. 

And with more time to improve selling techniques and strategy (plus more time to interact with their customers), sellers open up additional avenues to close deals and generate revenue. 

Now’s the time to get your team up and running on Salesloft Mobile. For new Android users, access the app here. iOs users can click here to download the app. 

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