
Fact or Fiction? Women don't want to work in sales with Reva Pellerin


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This week on No Nonsenses Sales, Reva Pellerin joins Tom Boston to talk about why sales is still a mostly male dominated profession.

Reva is an Enterprise Account Manager at Vidyard. In this episode, she discusses the importance of empowering women in sales.

As well as being an advocate for working moms & women in sales, she’s been in B2B sales for over 10 years. She’s seen huge changes in her time in sales and gives her insights on how we make the workplace a better place for women in sales.

Listen above to the entire podcast episode or on Apple Podcasts here.

In this episode, get Reva’s take on:

  1. Why sales is still a male dominated industry
  2. How we can empower women to work in sales
  3. How the shift of power has moved from seller to buyer