
Aligning sales and marketing: Rosalyn Santa Elena, The RevOps Collective


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It’s the age-old debate.

How do we align sales and marketing?

To try and figure this out once and for all, we’ve invited one of the top voices in RevOps onto the show.

Rosalyn Santa Elena is the Founder of The RevOps Collective.

With over 20 years of experience in helping GTM teams work smarter, she’s on the show to talk through how to align sales and marketing.

For Rosalyn, it starts with strong communication across the revenue function.

Listen below to the entire podcast episode or on Apple Podcasts here.

In this episode, get Rosalyn’s take on:

  1. How to align sales and marketing
  2. The importance of a strong RevOps function
  3. Why Revenue teams that communicate well are winning right now

And check out the No Nonsense Sales Spotify playlist:

All of the songs chosen by guests of No No Nonsense Sales: Season Three in a handy playlist.