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INDUSTRY-FIRST: Deal Engagement Score Changes the Game for Sellers (Plus, Two More Features You Don’t Want to Miss!)


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Salesloft is the Only Sales Engagement Platform That Can Predict a Deal’s Likelihood to Close and Recommend Next Best Steps For Closing It

Succeeding in sales is a little bit science, a little bit art. As a sales manager, you know that when it comes to pipeline review, some reps get particularly creative about which deals are likely to close. And while intuition is important to acknowledge, so is data. #morethanafeeling

What if there were a way to ground everyone in facts by combining qualitative feedback from sellers with quantitative data? Now there is, with Deal Engagement Score from Salesloft. 

Deal Engagement Score offers a powerful, unbiased perspective on deal health. By pairing this score with feedback from your reps and your own intuition, together you can decide which deals are most likely to close and which ones need the most attention. 

De-Risk Your Pipeline With Deal Engagement Score

Sales managers know that just a handful of deals can make or break a quarter. And every day, they have the tall task of overseeing sellers who collectively manage hundreds of deals at a time. 

Without an effective way to prioritize what needs attention, winnable deals fall through the cracks. Forecasts collapse, too.

Deal Engagement Score helps you prioritize, sort, and organize your team’s entire book of business to help you determine which deals you need to support and how. Here’s what that looks like.

To compose a single score, Salesloft uses an advanced machine learning model that synthesizes over 30 engagement factors to assess risks in your pipeline. In case you’re eye-rolling, “Not another SaaS ‘machine-learning’ feature,” we promise: this one’s legit.

This isn’t a black box score. In addition to giving you a number, Deal Engagement Score will also provide insights into why a score is high or low, and what it will take to raise it.

Our advanced model generates a score from 0-100, highlighting which elements most positively and negatively impact it. It also provides sellers and managers specific insights on how they can improve a deal’s health. As more data is available, the model will get even smarter to work better for your organization. #machinelearningforreal

Deal Engagement Score also helps you pressure test your forecast. If reps get creative with forecasting, managers can pinpoint deals that have a low or downward trending score, kick the tires to understand the discrepancy, and adjust the forecast if needed.

As the only Sales Engagement platform combining Sales Engagement and opportunity management data natively, Salesloft is uniquely positioned to offer Deal Engagement Score. 

We couldn’t be more excited about this platform update to help customers maximize revenue performance. It’s a GAME CHANGER. 

But that’s not all we have to share in this product release. Check out two more major features coming your way below. 

New Salesloft Customers: Get Started With Cadences, Fast

New Salesloft customers are often unsure of what makes a good Cadence. How many steps are optimal? How frequently should you reach out to a prospect? What channels should you use? ?

Stewing on these questions can slow an implementation and prevent sellers from making the most of what Salesloft Cadence has to offer.

Enter Pre-Built Cadence Frameworks: your very own cheat sheets gleaned from millions of customer interactions (emails, calls, social touches, direct mail) we’ve analyzed over the years. 

Each framework is informed by industry-leading best practices and thought leadership, so you can hit the ground running with confidence. In fact, in analyzing millions of customer interactions in 2020, we found that multi-channel prospecting generated nearly 5x higher engagement than single-channel prospecting.

In addition to implementing Cadences from our pre-built library, you can create your own frameworks or import pre-built cadences from third-party applications, too. 

The initial release will include Cadences for outbound sales, inbound sales, account-based sales, customer success, and event follow-up. Over time, we’ll continue adding to the framework library based on research by our data science team. 

Go forth and convert! 

Sales Leaders and Sales Ops: Know Which Cadence Steps Bring Success

As a sales leader, you’re constantly challenged with increasing revenue goals. And as your organization matures, finding even incremental improvements requires a deep understanding of your sales process. Only then can you uncover opportunities for more efficiency and effectiveness.

Cadence Step Analytics is your “easy button” for maximizing Cadence performance. Providing detailed, step-level analytics, this feature illustrates where your team is succeeding in the buyer journey and where you’re falling short — at every step of the sales process. 

Now you can make data-informed modifications to your sales process that align to the buyer journey and eliminate wasted steps. Identify which steps are less effective to change them, and determine where prospects are dropping off and why. Or double-down on the steps and channels driving the best revenue outcomes.

Ensure you exceed your revenue goals with Deal Engagement Score*, Pre-Built Cadence Frameworks, and Cadence Step Analytics!

*Full feature-set available in our Enterprise and Sell plans by June 2021.  Find out about Salesloft plans on our Pricing page.

Read on for the full announcement:

Salesloft Launches Industry First Deal Engagement Score

AI-based innovation predicts likelihood of deals closing 

Atlanta, GA -- March 15,  2021 -- Salesloft, provider of the most complete Sales Engagement platform that includes Cadence, Conversations, and Deals, today announced Deal Engagement Score. This new machine-learning capability gives frontline managers an unbiased way to prioritize deals based on the calculation of over 30 data elements captured across Cadence, Conversations, and Deals. 

Deal Engagement Score not only scores an opportunity, it provides recommendations and an explanation for why a deal’s score is what it is. Sales managers can identify and diagnose issues and take action to get more deals closed. The machine learning model continuously learns and gives more impactful deal recommendations over time.

“It’s not enough to have just a Cadence product,” said Frank Dale, SVP of Product Development at Salesloft. “With Cadence, Conversations, and Deals on one platform, we collect data across the full buying cycle, from the first email, every call, meeting, and communication, through to deal closure and renewal. Only Salesloft can analyze all of this data to predict revenue outcomes. No other Sales Engagement provider can offer this.” 

“I am excited to use the Deal Engagement Score,” said Eric Sparks, Director of Inside Sales at OneCause. “I love the explanation of the score as it helps our reps think differently about each of their deals, and ultimately will help me guide more of my reps to quota attainment.”

Salesloft also announced two new features, Cadence Step Analytics and Pre-Built Cadence Frameworks. Cadence Step Analytics shows revenue leaders the results of specific steps within Cadences. They can then replicate the steps that have high conversion rates within other Cadences. 

Salesloft’s Pre-Built Cadence Frameworks is a library of Cadence frameworks built on best practices Salesloft developed while powering millions of positive sales interactions and the experiences of top performing teams.

“Our Data Science team analyzed more than 120 million Cadence interactions in 2020, which revealed that multi-touch Cadences are about three times more effective than single touch. Omni-channel Cadences are around five times more effective than single channel,” continued Dale. “Our customers can replicate proven sales engagement patterns and ensure their Cadences are optimized for best results.” 

SalesLoft continues to innovate on Cadences with open APIs that allow for the import of Cadences and content from partners like REGIE. "I am super excited about the REGIE native integration with Salesloft which makes it even easier to build high-performing Cadences in a matter of minutes,” said Matt Millen, CEO of REGIE. “Solving today's content challenges for the modern seller, REGIE builds your inbound, outbound, and follow-up cadences allowing you to maximize your productivity while taking the guesswork out of your content creation."

Learn more by attending Salesloft’s Virtual Summit on March 16, 2021 to learn more about Deal Engagement Score, Cadence Frameworks, and Cadence Step Analytics.


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